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A company built on differentiated capabilities and products.

We are an IT solutions company responsible for system planning, design, operation, and hardware/software maintenance.

25 years



Persentage of staffs have worked more than 5 years

32 Staffs

Number of Staffs

(Based on 2023)


Growth in Sales Rate

for the last 3 year

140 Clients

Clients(Based on 2023)



Corporate Capability

Samsung Digicom offers expert services and solutions to maximize

customer performance.

Inovated organizational culture

We embrace challenges, creativity, continuous learning, and view failure positively for growth.

Providing wide rage solution

We work with experts across fields for optimal solutions, using advanced technology to offer customized service

Reliable Partnership​

We focus on customer growth, ensuring collaboration and customized solutions through direct communication

About What We Do

Samsung Digicom promises a more prosperous tomorrow, sustainable business.

people sitting on chair in front of comp


-Data center consultancy

-Central center construction and maintenance

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System Maintanance

- Maintenance and technical support.

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Network Maintanance

- Cisco, Nortel, Extreme, Foundry
- Maintenance and technical support.

이미지 제공: ThisisEngineering RAEng
woman in black shirt using laptop comput

Recovery System

Consigned Management

- Data backup and recovery.
- Online database backup.
- Support for disaster recovery strategies.

-Integrated computer room management -IT support methodologies

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-Automated computer operation management

-System performance diagnosis tools

-Backup/disaster recovery tools

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