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Samsung Digicom offers expert data backup and recovery with competitive costs and cutting-edge technology.


We offer customized database solutions for secure data protection and business growth.

Expected benefits of the service

Service level improvement

We offer systematic database management and prompt DBMS change management.

Increased availability

We ensure centralized monitoring for remote databases, saving time for more valuable tasks.

Cost reduction

We provide systematic database management and prompt DBMS change handling.

Our Experties


Backup Task

Database backup securely stores all database data, enabling data recovery in case of loss or system failure.


Technical Support

We offer support, regular checks, and monitoring for continuous assistance, proactive maintenance, and optimized performance.


Recovery Task

Database recovery restores a database to its previous state using backups, addressing failures, errors, or data loss.


Performance diagnosis and management

This service aids admins with real-time monitoring, diagnosis, remediation, analysis, and tuning.

Backup and recovery workflow diagram







Not Committed


Image File

Log File

Backup Operation

Supports online, offline, and incremental backups, backing up table data and schema, with Ping Pong Checkpoint for performance assurance.

Recovery Operation

In hardware failure, the system is recovered with backup data. Data recovery services use logs and backups for database losses.

Performance management workflow diagram

Service provider developer

Service provider developer

Problem identification

Service provider developer

Diagnosis and tuning by internal administrators

Performance analysis and tuning

Performance diagnosis analysis feedback

Continuous analysis feedback

Performance diagnosis tasks

- Monitoring task

- Diagnostic task

- Tuning task

Management Task

- Backup and recovery tasks

- Update and patch tasks

- User and permission management tasks

- Data cleanup and optimization tasks

Our Experties


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